Criminology Courses

Maybe you seek a practical solution designed to enhance your knowledge. Maybe you want to learn how your skill set can be applied within a wide variety of employment fields. Or maybe you have a potential vocation to share with the world. Whatever it is, our criminology courses, designed for ‘A’ and degree level law / criminology students will provide you with the development you need.

  • Course Tutors Proven in the Field of Major Crime, Surveillance and Intelligence Work at the Highest Levels.

    Pre-Reading Booklet Supplied to Students as Part of the Course.

    Crime Scene Management Exercise (Historical Comparative).

    Surveillance Exercise in the City of London.


Whitechapel: Crime, Policing and the Inner City

A relevant introduction to the Historic Environment: Whitechapel c1870-1900, crime, policing and the inner city. The course will bring the topic alive for students, helping them to visualise the environment in a way which a text book cannot.

Focusing on case studies of some of the victims of Jack the Ripper, the course will include a detailed examination of investigative policing in Whitechapel, taking in developments in techniques of detective investigation, including the use of sketches, photographs and interviews; problems caused by the need for cooperation between the Metropolitan Police, the City of London Police and Scotland Yard and the added problems caused by an unprecedented threat and its terrifying reality.

  • Tour Guide Proven in the some or all of the following fields at the Highest Levels:

    Major Crime.


    Intelligence Work.

Jack the Ripper Tours.

We provide a wholly unique approach to this topic. All of our tours are delivered by professional investigators. Our focused delivery is through the eyes of an experienced serious crime investigator and ‘Ripperologist’. We examine not just the terrible events of the time but uniquely investigative approaches, deductions, crime scene examination, forensic opportunities, suspect identification and what would be done comparatively in the modern day to launch enquiries and profile the suspect, taking in developments in techniques of detective investigation.

  • The course will facilitate consider themes such as:

    Housing and overcrowding

    Unemployment and poverty

    Immigration and segregation

    Problems caused by alcohol and prostitution

    Protection rackets, gangs, and violent demonstrations

    Policing the slum area of Whitechapel

Conflict Awareness Courses

Are you looking for conflict solutions? It all begins with outreach. Maybe you want to create awareness. Maybe you want address a person’s behaviour. Or maybe you seek transformative opportunities for your group that will help turn themselves around. Whatever it is, our three-step programme based upon great of experience, working with special needs individuals and young people in difficulty will be exactly what you need. Why not join us in this unique, tried and tested course.

  • Instructors from many backgrounds including military, policing and specialist teaching. All experienced at working within outreach environments.


The road to enhancing your education and awareness starts with a single step. Reach out to us and start your journey today.